Why should we care?

Fine, so women think men are wrong. We sometimes think they’re wrong too. Why does it matter?

Because conversations with women can get seriously unpleasant. We’d prefer to find a way to prevent or reduce this. The solution is not to pretend to be something we’re not. There’s got to be another way.

Because investigating this problem might help us translate other things women say.

Because women are no longer powerless. Some women can make our lives better or worse based on their opinion of our behavior.

Because almost everyone once had a mother. Some men need more effective ways to recover from the way their mothers treated them.

Because there is a possibility our behavior does in fact need to change. We should not arrogantly assume we are in the right. We need to apply critical thinking to make sure.

Because we don’t want to be sexist jerks. We’re offended to be called sexist jerks.

Because some traditional masculine behavior is actually unacceptable. We should see if we can influence other men to change their behavior.

Because a disturbing number of men also disapprove of masculinity. Even straight men. We don’t need to care what they think of us, but we can’t avoid them anymore. We should figure out how to respond to them.

Because beyond what any individual says, sometimes it seems that modern society generally discourages masculinity. If that is true, we need to try to do something about it. If it isn’t true, we need to know it isn’t true.

Because we don’t just want to be masculine. We want women to appreciate our manliness. We know this is most likely impossible, but we want to know why it is impossible.

Because some men care even if we don’t. We may find something useful to tell them.

Because when we examine ourselves and examine masculinity, we may get some insight that can make us more manly and better people.

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